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Sunday 18 November 2018

Gujarat  Magazine Dipotsavi Ank 2018 | Free PDF.. 

Gujarat  Magazine Dipotsavi Ank 2018 | Free PDF File Download

The Public Service Commissions are an integral part of the social justice system and hold special importance in the process of governance and success of the democracy which our founding fathers envisaged
. Millions of hopes and dreams rest on functioning of these bodies. Therefore, reliability, validity and above all transparency in the examination system should be the top most priority. It is also upon the Public Service Commissions to create a guiding thrust which fulfils the expectations of the society by the officers it recruits.

The first settlers in the State of Gujarat were Gujjars who happened to be an ethnic group of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Although their originis remain uncertain, the clan appeared in northern India and in Saurashtra about the time of the Huna invasion. The name of the tribe was ‘sanskritized’ to ‘Gurjara’ who followed the main religions of Hinduism, Islam, Sikkism and Christianity.

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